Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's 2009 Newbery Preview Time, Part III

It's been a few months since I wrote my initial posts concerning the upcoming 2009 Newbery, and, well, there's been a little (a little?) news and opinion out there since then. But as promised, I did get back to my list. It's an updated list, but these titles have generated Newbery buzz, regardless of whether they were on my initial list. Here it is:

Shooting the Moon by Frances O’Roark Dowell
After Tupac and D Foster by Jacqueline Woodson
The Fortunes of Indigo Skye by Deb Caletti
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
My One Hundred Adventures by Polly Horvath
The Underneath by Kathi Appelt
Savvy by Ingrid Law

These aren't my shortlist or predictions or favorites or anything like that. These are the books that, for various reasons, I read. That's it. I've already reviewed the first three. Watch for my thoughts on the last four over the next few days.

But first, a warning. I've always intended Help Readers Love Reading! to be a site that recommends books kids like. It's possible, as numerous articles in recent months have pointed out, for a children's book to be distinguished yet unattractive to children. Recommendations on HRLR! reflect whether or not kids will embrace a book, not its distinguished-ness in the eyes of adults.

I'm excited to see this year's winners. I am every year. When they're announced, I'll try to place my Amazon order before all the first editions are gone and it's 4-6 weeks before the second editions ship. I'll reveiw the winners. Until then, watch for these last four preview reviews, and then check back for even more books that Help Readers Love Reading!

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