Monday, September 24, 2018

Week 3 PBID Question

Fall is upon us and cooler temperatures are sure to follow. (Or, depending on where you live, those cooler temperatures have already arrived.) Nevertheless, whether for cooler temperatures or pure style, sometimes a person needs to wear a hat. Here's a fantastic one: 

By what name do readers know the person wearing this hat?


  1. It's the man in the yellow hat! :) -Mrs. B's 1st graders

  2. Mrs. Bridegroom's Kindergarteners at Ox Bow Elementary School say that is the Man with the Yellow Hat! (And so you know we are in Elkhart, Indiana and we get to work with Sherry Gick and I was showing her this site which of course she knew about!) We're using this each week to start our Monday times. Kids are loving it!

  3. Mrs. Anderson's 2nd grade class at WoodsideSeptember 25, 2018 at 11:44 AM

    The man with the yellow hat!

  4. man with the yellow hat

  5. The man with the yellow hat


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